here as far as latinos are concerned, and this is true for boat democra both democrats and republicans. it s not the immigration issue at the top of the latinos list, it is economy and jobs. i think it is a complete mistake for people to just take latinos as a group and say, immigration, that s the big issue. and for the record here, i am half puerto rican, and one of the things that my mother who happens to be my puerto rican side, it gets her so incensed when she hears why is it they always bring up immigration? and that s a big mistake that both democrats and republicans always tend to make on this issue. i think that s an interesting point. let me say this, i think you are absolutely right, and this is borne in the data we have in terms of polling, economy and jobs are highest among latinos and latinos have lost the most amount of wealth in the great recession and its aftermath particularly in housing wealth. what i do think is true, however, before you can get to those issues,