JAT Holdings PLC, Sri Lanka’s trusted leader in finishing and furnishing, recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank of Sri Lanka (HDFC) in an effort to strengthen the organization’s ‘JAT Pinthaaroo-Shilpee Abhiman’ programme, which provides training and apprenticeships to woodcraftsmen and professional painters across the country. The signing.
Fitch Ratings has placed the National Long-Term Ratings of 13 Sri Lankan banks on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). The banks are: -People’s Bank (Sri Lanka) (PB) -Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC -Hatton National Bank PLC -Sampath Bank PLC -National Development Bank PLC -DFCC Bank PLC -Seylan Bank PLC -Nations Trust Bank PLC -Pan Asia Banking.
Fitch Ratings has placed has placed 13 state and private banks in Sri Lanka under watch for possible downgrade (rating watch negative) due to forex shortages in the banking system.