Whatwe that means, its to use e power of the office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring orfi injuring the national interest, or acts in ways that are grossly inconsistent with and undermine the separation of powers that is the foundation of our democratic system. Now, this question of whether the president engaged in abuse of power came up before when this congress considered the impeachment of president nixon. And president nixon famously said, if the president does it, it is notde illegal. And this body rejected that because thats not so. That goes directly contrary to what the founders said. But President Trump has said the same thing in responding to the prior investigation by the Department Of Justice and defending his conduct. Heres what he said. I have an article 2 where i have the right to do whatever i want as president. That he has the right to do whatever he wants as president. That is as wrong as when president nixon said a similar thing. That is not what
the gentleman yields back. thank anyou, both for your presentations. mr. burke, you are now excused. mr. chairman, i have a parliamentary inquiry. the gentleman will state his parliamentary inquiry. pursuant to house b of the house torules, the chairman is allowed to administer an oath, notr mandated to. but it has been the practice of this committee to administer oaths to witnesses. i m wondering why we have not administered the oathwe in this situation. i m going to administer the oath to the two witnesses who are now coming up before us to makere presentation. the two gentlemen who just testified were not witnesses. they were making opening statements for the committees. we will now administer an oath to mr. castor and goldman who