On Wednesday, during markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025, the U.S. House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the NDAA that would automatically register all draft-aged male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from…
The military industrial complex's more than $10 million in annual campaign contributions both reward and encourage Congress to shovel money at the Pentagon, finds the advocacy group Public Citizen.
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Military contractors give members of Congress millions of
Trump repeats his vow to veto the defense budget bill, but won’t say when December 17, 2020 President Donald Trump looks on during the first half of the annual Army-Navy college football game on Dec. 12, 2020, in West Point, N.Y. (Adam Hunger/AP) President Donald Trump on Thursday reiterated his vow to veto the annual defense authorization bill rather than allow it to become law, but White House officials still have not provided a timeline for when that attempt to block the legislation may happen. The commander-in-chief took to Twitter to level his latest veto threat, writing Thursday that the veto “will make China very unhappy. They love [the bill].”