what she did after the attack. there s so many questions surrounding her role there. and mrs. clinton s top selling point as the democrat candidate for the presidential nomination is her tenure at the state department, her experience. she lost a u.s. ambassador during her watch and a lot of people want to know what role did she play in helping to prevent that in responding to the crisis. that s one of the reasons why we have a hearing going on in the house this month, house of repts concerning benghazi. she ll be there to testify about that. obviously there are still questions out there. today i heard her talk again in really generalities about the dangerous way the world can be. and we lost an ambassador and three other americans. but i don t think that was a really specific response to john dickerson s question, which i think was a great question. she ran in 2008 touting her foreign policy experience over that of barack obama s. but while she was at the helm of