The Senate Environment and public works Works Committee held a hearing on how infrastructure legislation can help the economy recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Senators and panelists discuss the best way to fund road and bridge projects. Good morning. I called his hearing to order. Before i discussed todays hearing i want to say a few words about what is happening in communities across the country today. This is a time of great pain and unrest for our nation. Americans are truly outraged by recent killings. Anyone who watched the video the murder of george floyd has to be horrified and heartbroken. The resulting peaceful protests about police abuse against any american citizen are important and necessary. They listen to the voices of africanamericans about police brutality. Some of the peaceful protests were hijacked by filing criminal, distraction, looting and arson stop. Those who commit these crimes dishonor the memory of george floyd and dishonor the cause and the Peaceful Pro
Nations edatnal, scientific and cultural organization. As well as the District Court nomination for ete new york. At 10 a. M. On cspan federal officials testify onhe ongoing investigaon into the collapse of Baltimores Francis scott key bridge before the House Infrastructure Committee and later, testifying on the agencys operations and 2025 budgeteqst before a house mend security subcommittee. Thats livet 2 30 p. M. Eastern. You can also watchur live coverage on the cspan now video app or online at cspan. Org. In honor of asianamerican and Pacific Islander heritage month President Biden spoke at a gala hosted by the asian Pacific Islander event and the president was introduced by the california representative judy chu. This is 20 minutes. applause good evening, and happy asianamerican, native hawaiian and Pacific Islander heritage month. As chair of the congressional Asian Pacific american caucus, or capac. Im excited to be celebrating the 30th anniversary at tonights awards gala or as
Pass senate bill 546 and housetd resolution 7659. H. R. 7659. The first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from texas, mr. Hunt, to suspend the rules and pass senate bill 546 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk senate 546, an act to amend the omnibus crime control and safe streets act of 1968 to authorize Law Enforcement agencies to use cops grants for recruitment activities, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcapt
Officials testify on the Ongoing Investigation into the collapse of Baltimores Francis scott key bridge. Watch the House Infrastructure Committee live at 10 a. M. Eastern on cspan, our mobile video apps or online at c span. Org. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. We are funded by the celebrate companies and more. The u. S. Supreme court heard oral arguments in a se on whether federal law preempts in idaho ban on nearly all abortions. That near van was initiated in august of 2022 ter the u. S. Supreme court overturning of roe versus wade. The Biden Administration filed suit against ido, arguing that that law can conflicts with the 1986 federal statute that requires Emergency Care including abortions at hospits participating in medicare. The justices have through june to issue a ruling. The oral argument is just under two hours. We will hear argument this morng case 23 726. The consolidating case. Mr. Turner. Thank you,. Chief justice. When congre amended the medicare act in 19
By that of the nasdaq as it is rising more than 1 . Tech shares accounting for a decent amount of the game. The gains are relatively broadbased as people get back to work today. Among the fang stocks helping account for the rise today weve got netflix on the rise. We also have some of the content and broadband providers on the rise as well. Disney, dish, Discovery Communications and charter communications. Mccrory looking at the media landscape for this year emphasizing the idea that content is king and that some of these content creators are going to do better. Fox buying more content. Various eitherer of the pipes, providers of the access to overthetop networks or to the providers of content like discovery themselves. Media seeing a pretty broad lift in todays session. One group that is not on the rise of the pipes, providers of the today, insurer. Todaye kbw out with a new cutting all state to an underperform saying that companies Margin Expansion story is just about played out. Loo