GEI contributor over the years. Here is the bio for his articles here:
William K. Black, J.D., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Bill Black has testified before the Senate Agricultural Committee on the regulation of financial derivatives and House Governance Committee on the regulation of executive compensation. He was interviewed by Bill Moyers on PBS, which went viral. He gave an invited lecture at UCLA s Hammer Institute which, when the video was posted on the web, drew so many hits that it crashed the UCLA server. He appeared extensively in Michael Moore s documentary: - Capitalism: A Love Story. He was featured in the Obama campaign release discussing Senator McCain s role in the Keating Five . (Bill took the notes of that meeting that led to the Senate Ethics investigation of the Keating Five. His testimony was highly critical of all five Senators actions.) He is a frequent guest on local, national, and internation