debate on the house floor carol moss, worried about kids doing puzzles and coloring in coloring books that included utah s state flower and its state bird right along, right alongside its state gun. moss went on to say, guns have their place, but their place is not among the things we designate. john moses browning took a small town gun shop and made it into a globally recognized merchant of death. the browning company, which calls their namesake the father of automatic fire. so the utah state house has voted 51-19 to honor the father of automatic fire. and his invention, an invention whose main purpose is to kill and kill quickly. while the country is still mourning six dead from the tucson massacre. while congresswoman gabby giffords struggles in a houston rehabilitation clinic to regain basic functions like speech.
legislation, republican representative carl wimmer, this bill honoring the gun and its utah native inventor, john moses browning, is an appropriate and fitting tribute to a utah icon. this firearm has defended liberty and freedom. the same firearm, of course, has also wantonly murdered an untold number of innocent people since it was introduced 100 years ago. but there are voices of reason in the utah state house. one of them democratic representative carol moss, who was among the first to oppose this legislation, saying, someone once gave me this advice don t speak against guns. now i m going to break that advice. it seems insensitive at this time when people are mourning the death of six people in tucson and the serious wounding of congresswoman gabby giffords, a friend of mine. salt lake tribune reporter david montero told us during the
debate on the house floor carol moss, worried about kids doing puzzles and coloring in coloring books that included utah s state flower and its state bird right along, right alongside its state gun. moss went on to say, guns have their place, but their place is not among the things we designate. john moses browning took a small town gun shop and made it into a globally recognized merchant of death. the browning company, which calls their namesake the father of automatic fire. so the utah state house has voted 51-19 to honor the father of automatic fire. and his invention, an invention whose main purpose is to kill and kill quickly. while the country is still mourning six dead from the tucson massacre. while congresswoman gabby giffords struggles in a houston rehabilitation clinic to regain basic functions like speech.
debate on the house floor carol moss, worried about kids doing puzzles and coloring in coloring books that included utah s state flower and its state bird right along, right alongside its state gun. moss went on to say, guns have their place, but their place is not among the things we designate. john moses browning took a small town gun shop and made it into a globally recognized merchant of death. the browning company, which calls their namesake the father of automatic fire. so the utah state house has voted 51-19 to honor the father of automatic fire. and his invention, an invention whose main purpose is to kill and kill quickly. while the country is still mourning six dead from the tucson massacre. while congresswoman gabby giffords struggles in a houston rehabilitation clinic to regain basic functions like speech.
according to the sponsor of this legislation, republican representative carl wimmer, this bill honoring the gun and its utah native inventor, john moses browning, is an appropriate and fitting tribute to a utah icon. this firearm has defended liberty and freedom. the same firearm, of course, has also wantonly murdered an untold number of innocent people since it was introduced 100 years ago. but there are voices of reason in the utah state house. one of them democratic representative carol moss, who was among the first to oppose this legislation, saying, someone once gave me this advice don t speak against guns. now i m going to break that advice. it seems insensitive at this time when people are mourning the death of six people in tucson and the serious wounding of congresswoman gabby giffords, a friend of mine. salt lake tribune reporter david montero told us during the