One of the General Assembly’s largest undertakings during the 90-day legislative session in Annapolis, the cannabis plan was set in motion earlier this month when lawmakers drafted a lengthy proposal to regulate and tax the new industry.
The new, shorter work week proposed by the bill would represent a departure from the standard five-day, 40-hour work week established through a 1940 amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Drawing on success stories from companies that have adopted the four-day work week since the pandemic, the bill’s objective is to give more businesses the flexibility to try it out for themselves.
A new bill introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates aims to give private businesses a new tool to attract and retain workers: a new vision for the workweek.
Gov. Wes Moore urges tax breaks for military retirees and mandates Minority Business Enterprise reports; ex-treasurer is charged with stealing over $140,000 in campaign funds
One of the General Assembly’s largest undertakings during the 90-day legislative session in Annapolis, the cannabis plan was set in motion earlier this month when lawmakers drafted a lengthy proposal to regulate and tax the new industry.