Item one Public Comment. The public can address on the items that are not on the tonight agenda but that are win the subject matter of jurisdiction orphthe commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or had department or occ personal. Under Police Commission rules ofordser during the Public Comment Neither Police orocc penchlal, nor the commissioners sheryl davis. I just wanted to take this timethe last time i was here was with a group of young people and just wanted to come back and say we really want to follow up with the chief and make sure the work done this summer continues throughout the school year and wanted to publicly thank the commission and the chief for supporting the efforts and give a special shout out tothere has been so much going on not just nationally but within our city and sometimes for you all it gets very difficult to do the work you are doing and continue to do it sometimes even e in the midst
They tend to interfere with the equipment in the room and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Call roll. President loftus, here. Vice president s therman, here. Commissioner marshal we believe is in route. Commissioner dejeess, here. Commissioner mazzucco, here. Commissioner hwang, here. Commissioner mu lera, here. You have a quarpm and also here is chief suhr and joyce hicks. Good evening here. Sergeant please call the first line item item one Public Comment. The public can address on the items that are not on the tonight agenda but that are win the subject matter of jurisdiction orphthe commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or had department or occ personal. Under Police Commission rules ofordser during the Public Comment
The GreenCab pilot transportation program for the City of Marietta ended its official six months of service Monday with very strong ridership figures and lots o