living in the path of this river of fire are leaving. dozens more may soon be next. it s really scary. you have to be on alert. you have to be ready when they say, okay, you got two hours. @c reporter: the lava less than 100 yards from homes. from above you can see it sizzle through everything in its path. the people here are already watching their history being erased. dozens of headstones at the town cemetery smothered under layers of molten rock churning at 2,000 degrees. officials say there is no way to divert a lava flow. the town must simply watch it follow the steepest part of the te)rain into the heart of neighborhoods. if lava reaches the main road, thousands of people farther south will be cut off. new roads are quickly being built. a lava detour. and to try to keep the electricity on, they re installinátárrq&ds around power poles. i m going to need to go, i think, but i don t want to go. i do not want to go.