up with in terms of government waste. there was a lot in the stimulus. the stimulus was nearly a trillion dollars. the president later joked we didn t have as many shovel ready jobs as we thought we had. greta: yeah, he joked. go to google stimulus and waste and you can read for hours about wasteful stimulus projects. i wrote about one a couple of years ago. a couple hundred thousand dollars that went to state university of new york in buffalo to a professor studying the effects of smoking pot and drinking malt liquor at the same time as opposed to just smoking pot or just drinking malt liquor. the conclusion was after regression analyses and all sorts of serious study that you are more intoxicated if you do both at the same time. this was a serious study and stimulus money. the outrage is when you go back and look at the stimulus some of the research projects funded with stimulus money are projects that had been rejected in previous rounds but the government was so eager to get
this money out the door they were willing to fund anything. anybody who had a project. take a four year and make it a two year to meet the criteria of the stimulus and then you had your money. greta: i like to read about the sort of unusual studies. but do it with private money. don t take the taxpayer money and pretend like we are creating jobs when we are hurt something many americans. the cancer story got to me tonight because i feel sorry for the medicare patients because i think it is just nasty that when it is such a simple solution and they are all gone. i mean it is unbelievable. no jobs were created with some of these. and just you think about the way that the money cycles through the government. when you do this with public money as opposed to private money. you have to have this bureaucracy that administers the funds and tracks them and distributes them. that all costs money. you have to employ people to do these things.
realized and she told me it was just something surreal to h her what she had witnessed. greta: did she indicate whether or not they had even spoken which might is suggest that they knew each other? or even two people bumping into each other and an angry confrontation? anything at all to suggest anything as subtle as that? she really couldn t tell if there were words spoken. it was clear there was a scuffle. she never actually saw a gun but knew that there had to be because he put his hand up to his head. but again it is not clear if there were actually words spoken. greta: the now we have the most recent one this past weekend of the d.a. and his wife. i m curious whether the same gun was used in those two murders. obviously it could be a coincidence. same gun or not? if you look at the two murders they do have differences. the first murder in public in
broad lite near the courthouse. the murder of his boss mike mcclelland and his wife were in their home in rural kaufman county. on easter weekend. and they are killed with what we believe is an assault rifle. so the thank you so much. greta: thank you very much. i hope you come back because this obviously is an investigation that is going go on at least for sometime as best we he can figure out without many clues. thank you. appreciate it. greta: coming up, north korea issuing threats. just words or this time are they serious. in the united states is taking mill tare arery precautions but what is south korea doing and is that nation worried? a live report from south korea. that s next. and in two minutes the shocking video of the rutgers basketball coach pushing players and getting fired for it. the scandal doesn t stop there. who else is in hot water?
you remember the scene from the movie, right? i find your lack of faith disturbing. enough of this. vader, release him. as you wish. greta: now, art is imtating life. check out the photos invading social media. even dogs getting into it. lighting up the internet. so who knows what is next. van susterening? who on the staff came up with that stupid one? i want names. now, your turn to hash it out with us. send us your pics. use hash tag greta on the tweets and posts and follow me he on twitter at gretawire. coming up, the video no one can stop talking about. what happens when a headless driver pulls up to a drive-thru? drive-thru? have to see it to believe it. what s droid-endurance ? the longest 4g lte battery