managing obesity. you say they get fat because. they don t eat enough meat? all these foods are processed foods, which started driving the obesity epidemic. i ll give you the last word. some of the things you say ared. you are healthier and happier being a vegan? makes youal happy? yeah. i m happy eating junk food. we might have like a sugaro high from it, but if we want long-term health and happiness,w eating foods can make a huge difference that affects our hormones. i totally agree on that. yeah. this is something that we can easily agree on between seeingen and paleo is reducing the processed foods. and we probably both disagrep on the hotro dog. yeah. and you say don t eat anything with a face? this doesn t have a face. well, it did have a face. a you might not be able to see the face anymore, but there was a nt face involved there. that s probablyab the reason why people still eat meat. they ve not seen what s actuallh