argument. gregg: you know, dominique, nine years ago the u.s. supreme court had a nearly identical case and they booted it, essentially, on procedural grounds. they didn t decide it on the merits. so this time around, this particular massachusetts case could really have import. it could. it could. but like dan said, they re attacking it from a different angle, freedom of protection rather than freedom of religion. a lot of people don t realize it wasn t always that way. those words under god weren t always there. it was in the cord war that president and congress added those words into the pledge so what these people are asking is for a restoration back to the original language. gregg: but take it to its local extent. would it also remove in god we trust on the dollar bill? they could bring that. i think the key part here that will hurt the plaintiff is that it s voluntarily. they don t have to say it. in prior cases it s hard to find a precedent for their case.
when you have the time to be able to have the support of the united states congress and obviously the support of the american people through them. gregg: we have live team coverage with mideast bureau but first let s turn to our chief white house core spend ent ed henry. ed, it sounds like the president is trying to step up the game to sell this thing. he is and his critics are saying, what took him so long? he should have been making this case to the public and the congress sooner. the white house pushing back on all of that. look. they call it, you know, flood the zone. he needs to get out there. he was on the phones yesterday, even though it was sunday. he s meeting with john mccain and lindsey graham today even though it s labor day. they re trying to show the president is all over this. why? it s a race against the clock. the president is get ago board air force one to get sweden and russia. he needs to change minds now before he s out of the country
strikes go and one of the unanticipated consequences perhaps is an assault on one of our embassies in the region. we have the capability with the marine corps team to do that, to get our people out of whatever country has the problem with the embassy. so there are a lot of things that could go wrong. it looks like they re positioning the forces to prepare for some of those contingencies as well as the cruise missile capability. now the aircraft carriers of course, now you re talking a real serious, real serious punch. so whether nimitz stays in that region toreor gets withdrawn, again depend on what s the strategy, therefore, what s the military s mission to support that strategy. arthel: before i let you go, captain nash. gregg: if i could ask you based on the offense sieve moves we talked about what the u.s. might be planning, talk briefly about
questions are not getting answers. here s why. she resent them. gregg: in other words you have proof she didn t put a stop to it as she told congress, right? it is exact opposite. one we published online and fox news published as well. questions about the facebook page, upcoming speakers, member bios. gregg: we re out of time. keep us posted on the lawsuit you will be filing this week. love it if you could send us a copy so we could look at it ourselves. absolutely. jordan sekulow, center of american law and justice. thanks, gregg. heather: amazing stories of courage and survival exactly one week after that deadly ef-5 tornado ravaged moore, oklahoma. debris starting falling everywhere around us and the dirt started coming in. and then it turned back and i don t remember for a while and then it stopped.
command, did you give that order? who told you to give the order. gregg: don t you know where the president was during all of this? in my experience the president of the united states when he said to the secretary of defense and joint chiefs of staff after being informed of the benghazi attack ongoing, you guys do what you have to do, tell me what happens after and you use your own judgment. no secretary of defense or joint chiefs of staff will commit the american troops without president s approval. gregg: that is american soil under attack. call me when it s over. gregg: you ve got an american ambassador whose life is in the end, taken along with three other americans and the president is not in the situation room? he is not monitoring this thing? does that seem odd to you? every administration i ve been part of even at the they those i ve not been part of, 15 minutes there would have be a task force formed in the white house situation room where i used to work and representati