According to the report, the sector witnessed a significant growth of 31% in revenue per available room in Q4 2023, compared to Q3 2023.The fourth quarter saw consistent growth in average daily rates due to factors such as weddings, corporate and social MICE events, leisure travel, and year-end festivities, as per the report.
Article - Hotel Momentum India - Quarterly Hospitality Monitor Q4 2023 from JLL - India s hospitality industry has witnessed a growth of 15.8% in RevPAR from October to December (Q4 2023) over the same period last year.
The tourism sector s surge after the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in hospitality hiring, with entry-level jobs experiencing the sharpest surge in the last two years. Apprentice and trainee hires have seen a 54% CAGR rise in the last two years, while hiring in the hospitality sector rose by around 271%.
Article - JLL Hotel Momentum India (HMI) - Hospitality Monitor Q3 2023 - Indias hospitality industry has witnessed a growth of 15.1% in RevPAR from July to September (Q3 2023) over the same period last year. Furthermore, the sector witnessed a marginal 4.5% decline at pan-India level in RevPAR in Q3 2023 as compared to Q2 2023.