Die elfjährige, autistische Stina wird in einem Stockholmer Hotel Zeugin eines Mordes. Der Täter bemerkt das Mädchen, verschont es jedoch zunächst. Kurz vor Weihnachten. Während die Psychologin Johanne Vik in einem Hotel die Hochzeit ihrer Schwester feiert, kann ihre.
It’s time to celebrate the holidays in style, ya filthy animals.
The Graduate Evanston is celebrating the 30th anniversary of “Home Alone” with a very special package for fans of the film and newbies who have somehow managed to never see this holiday classic.
With the King McCallister Experience, guests can “explore the streets where the Home Alone saga began” and “relive [their] favorite movie moments.” Graduate Hotel Evanston Home Alone Suite
Image zoom Graduate Hotel Evanston Home Alone Suite
Image zoom Credit: Courtesy of Graduate Evanston
Using the code KEVIN, guests can book an incredibly detailed room that has been refurbished for the season to mimic a McCallister bedroom. The space includes a terrarium with a fake tarantula, a bathroom stocked with vintage aftershave, a battle plan map for the robbers, a replica of Kevin