there was a second set of tracks located near the scene of that shooting where federal agents are believed to have shot and killed richard matt. again, it s indication that it s still a very fluid situation here in franklin county wolf. and there seems to be a lot more police activity on the scene where you are right now. looks like as they say themselves in hot pursuit of this second convicted killer. yeah, one thing we haven t noticed, we haven t seen those air assets that we did notice early on after the story really broke. however that could potentially change or at least from our vantage point we haven t seen that. we have seen officers speeding by us. but at this point you do see that just regular folks are being turned away. the actual people who live here that are already beyond this roadblock here are allowed to drive out of the area. but if you re trying to get into the area without a badge at this point, wolf that s not going to happen. it s been three hours since the