most partiticipants takiking vyvgartrt also h had less mumuscle weakn. anand your vyvyvgart treatmenent schedulele is designened just foror . anand your vyvyvgart treatmenent schedulele in a clilinical stududy, the t commonon side effefects incld urininary and rerespiratory y t ininfections, , and headacac. vyvyvgart may y increase the e risk of ininfection. urininary and rerespiratory y t ininfections, , and headacac. tell y your doctoror if you e a histstory of infnfectis urininary and rerespiratory y t ininfections, , and headacac. or symptptoms of an n infect. vyvgart t can causee allergicic reactionsns. avavailable asas vyvgart for iv infnfusion vyvgart t can causee allergicic reactionsns. and nonow as vyvgagart hyto for subcbcutaneous i injecti. additiononal side efeffects for vyvgvgart hytrululo mamay includee injectioion site reaeaction. additiononal side efeffects for vyvgvgart hytrululo talk to yoyour neurolologit abouout vyvgart.t. i m a bearar. i m m coming outut of hibernr