LInks to Iran. LInks to Iran. He was one of the best known he was one of the best known and most InfluentIal fIgures In the MIddle East. Born In 1960, Hassan Nasrallah grew up In beIrut s Eastern Bourj Hammoud neIghbourhood. He became leader of hezbollah In 1992, at the age of 32, after hIs predecessor was assassInated. He played a Key Role In turnIng hezbollah Into a powerful polItIcal and mIlItary force. Under hIs leadershIp, he helped hezbollah TraIn Hundreds of fIghters from the palestInIan MIlItant Group hamas. And he also obtaIned mIssIles and rockets from Iran for use agaInst Israel. Lets speak to anna foster, our mIddle East Correspondent In beIrut. Talk us through exactly what we know about what happened there. ThIs Is a really crucIal moment now. Last nIght, about 6 20pm here In beIrut, we had thIs huge serIes of explosIons a few kIlometres from where I am now In dahIeh, In the Southern Suburbs, a hezbollah stronghold. We saw pIctures quIckly of absolute destructIon comIng ou
If hamas is ready to release the most vulnerable israeli hostages it holds. But one egyptian official says there are still technical issues to resolve, including agreement on the number of palestinian prisoners the israelis would be prepared to release in exchange. The us has carried out its first airdrop of humanitarian aid for gaza on saturday with more than 30,000 Meals Parachuted by three military planes. Inside gaza theres a desperate need forfood. The Hamas Run Health Ministry has said 15 children have died of malnutrition and starvation in gazas Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the strip. The head of the norwegian refugee council, jan egeland, who has visited the area, says there is now a famine in Northern Gaza. I think there is a famine in the north. Yes. There is no other way to describe what has befallen on the 300,000 people who live in the ruins of the north and who havent had really any aid for a very long time, because israel is not opening the border crossings from
president. and after the colorado supreme court disqualified donald trump from the ballot, they are asking the supreme court to stay out of the federal election case. how is this playing out in the 2024 case. evan, the colorado supreme court said last night that trump is not eligible to be on colorado s ballot because the 14th amendment to the u.s. constitution bans insurrectionists from holding office. the u.s. supreme court is going to decide whether that ruling stands ultimately. what might this mean for the 2024 election? well, jake, what it means is that it puts the supreme court squarely in possibly deciding how this election goes forward, right? not since the bush v gore decision in 2000 have we had the supreme court in the middle of an election race. you look at the timeline that we have ahead of us, the former president has until january 4th to file an appeal. we don t anticipate he will do that for a few days, but we think he will go to the supreme court, because
Without a speaker. Many more republicans are now starting this new week by jumping into that chaotic and messy race. We have that report coming up later. Our top story is the prosecutors on offense in the trump coup cases. Jack smith has already put pressure on Defendant Trump after winning that partial gag order. Now, if youve been following the news, d. A. Willis has just won convictions on the eve of her first rico trial. Indeed, that was supposed to start today, but she won it so decisively, there is no trial. Ill explain. Two Trump Lawyers pled guilty two days ago nay row, showing new concern today that he is worrie they will testify against him and it will be damaging. He posted a new statement, which asserts, referring to Sydney Powell that she was, quote, one of millions who thought the 2020 president ial election was rigged and stolen. Thats his typo, by the way. He goes on to say, quote, ms. Powell was not my attorney and never was. That claim is false, but it is also telling