ingraham angle . and weor begin with this. biden is declared war on the american dream. i love this car . nothing but incredible memories. to set up right here. and yo u feel like you re in complete control. this is just oh,control. this ic a manufa. that was all a manufactured lie meant to sell middle america.o l come on , joe . it was announced earlier today that biden or his puppeteer s hope to remake the american auto industry with the toughest emissions limitsican ever. the goal is to mandate gas powered cars out of existence.dn and what is left, accordingwe to the environmental protection. agency. 67% ofwh allat i car and truck r being evs by twenty thirty two . this is historic newsg for our children. bit s historic news for our climate is historic news for our future.32 this epa is committedc no to protecting the health - and well-being of every single person on this planet.e health but is it even possible? jasoneneral motors executive warns in the washi
laura s interview from last night. i spent the las unairedt thrt doing this, sort of looking at the mess and statistics. that s what i do of the sort of the covid narrative showing that the data and the models were manipulated to exaggerate t the scale of the crisis and also exaggerate the effectiveness the of the interventions. and i said right frohem the beginning that these ine covid lockdown s were essentiallterveny a precursor tt the coming climate lockdown suro no. one . no one has written more or spoken more about this issue than our next guest. thrilled to have them. robert bryce is the host ofs the power hungry podcast and is author of a question of power, electricity and the wealth of nations. you can also find his work on substract. f robert , thank you so much.nati try to break this all downthis o to this, because you say this isn t about climatclimate, but . explain what that means.
question. do you enjoy constant nonstop criticism? enjoy is probably the wrong word. expect? expect. survive. sure. live through. it just sort of comes with the territory. it does come with the territory. it sound like, if i may, you have for president. i want to bring in host ofs in msnbc reid report. congratulations, i enjoy the show. thank you. thanks so much. how do you think hillary clinton did? i think she did well. hillary clinton has to reinvent herself and reintroduce herself to the audience and get a younger audience. she had a great time. i think she had fun with the question. she was relaxed. i think she did pretty well. she has done so many appearances. is that dilute the impact of her