The broncos and panthers had their final pregame walkthroughs on saturday. The cbs broadcast team is doing its final prep work, too. Injury reports, statistics, and player profiles are all part of their game plan. As they get ready to host a full day of tv for the biggest single day sporting event in the world. There are going to be a lot of new viewers, so you cant be talking too granularly about football. Lead analyst and former quarterback phil simms says hes going to keep the gamecalling simple. But, as a super bowl ampion and mvp, hell also be able to add extra color on the players. I read all the stories about going to happen to me. But, get in the huddle and see how nervous your teammates are. Its frightening. What the hell is wrong with your guys . here at super bowl city. One of the main fan event areas. People are able to watch and even interactive with the reporters and broadcast teams. Panthers fan were here to see the panthers win the 50th broncos fan we are going to win b
Alike, who were picking up last minute items for their big plans on sunday. Peggy donchez panthers fanwere having a big party with probably sixteen friends and family so looking forward to it. Brice hubblestonrenochili, pulled pork, plenty of beer and wine and then everybody bring a little something. Ron fye broncos fanits a lot of work, out today picking up a few last minute items and go me and start cooking. Tomorrows coverage begins at 8 in the morning, and kick off is set for 3 30 pm. Only on cbs and ktvn. And for those of you who will be partying for tomorrows game, wed like to give a reminder to please drink responsibly. Covering superbowl 50 live at party america. Ryan canaday channel two news. Thanks ryan. In the bay area, fans are celebrating. While cbs announcers are preparing to analyze tomorrows big game. Teri okita has more from super bowl city. The broncos and panthers had their final pregame cbs broadcast team is doing its final prep work, too. Injury reports, statistics
There are going to be a lot of new viewers, so you cant be talking too granularly about football. Lead analyst and former quarterback phil simms says hes going to keep the gamecalling simple. But, as a super bowl champion and mvp, hell also be able to add extra color on the players. I read all the stories about how it affected them. It is not going to happen to me. But, get in the huddle and see how nervous your teammates are. Its frightening. What the hell is wrong with your guys . here at super bowl city. One of the main fan event areas. People are able to watch and even interactive with the reporters and broadcast teams. Panthers fan were here to see the panthers win the 50th broncos fan we are going to win by 7 points on sunday. Be ready we have a couple of things up our sleeve. Fans who arent able to fork over thousands for a seat at the stadium can still have some pregame fun. Singer alicia keys plays a free concert saturday teri, tell us about the new technology that cbs will ha
[ cheers ] thank you doc. If you, uh . [ applause ] if you happen to pick up the june issue of esquire magazine you will see on the cover, uh, not a picture, which they usually have, or a photograph, but the opening paragraph of a new novel called mojave, by Truman Capote, which establishes kind of a precedent i suppose, i dont think this has been done before, but he is probably the foremost man of american letters, he is a brilliant author, and he has done such great work in his life, uh, this is the 2nd of june issue, will you welcome please, mr. Truman capote. [ music ] good to see you. Is this a, a precedent . I dont think ive ever seen this uh, type of, i dont want to say its an ad exactly. But its certainly prestigious. No, what it is, its a, uh, its an experiment in, uh, calligraphy. You see, you take the magazine, take the cover of the thing. Right. And then you have the whole thing designed as calligraphy, instead of using any kind of illustration. Uh. See if i had been a man
Capita business elias i live in the excelsior district small mom and pop family owned restaurants this is my job i love it my only concern is the 90 day limit that would really effect me and my home if i couldnt host on air b and b for longer 90 days ill have to go to grazing e craigslist i prefer not to. I was listening to our attention of the details everyone has a very different situation i host its my job. I lived in that home for 6 years and i would prefer a legislation that would allow me to keep doing that im for registering i think that 50 is reasonable i feel safe and money that are not in their homes need more insurance but as for me lirg anything that allows me to uplift myself and the city and the neighborhood would be wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Insurance for moody we need to have insurance that cover our safety while the board of mooney come to for one muni okay. Also actually, i wanted the first term for the representative a representative for the time