good morning, everyone. i m randi kay. it s 8:00 on the east coast. thanks for starting your morning with us. wee start with a victory for florida governor rick scott. he sue the federal government and now the government has given in. what did he want? access to the department of homeland security s database on immigrants in the u. the reason? he wants to purge illegally registered voters from the state s voter rolls. so how big of a problem is it in florida? here is what we know so far. because we couldn t get the homeland security database, we used our own motor vehicle database and looked at 2,600 names. we know over 100 people have registered to vote, they re nonu.s. citizens and we know over 50 have voted in our election. so we know people are registering to note that are non-u.s. citizens and we know they re voting. that s not right, it s a crime, and it impacts our races. that was the governor a couple weeks ago on this program. critics say scott is just trying to