Read more about Oct. 27, 1922, in the archives. 100 Years Ago: 1922 A jolly Hallowe’en Party took place Thursday afternoon in the parlors of the Y.W.C.A. Each member of the Busy Bee Corps of Girl Reserves invited one guest and a happy group of about forty girls assembled. 50 Years Ago: 1972 Dust […]
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100 Years Ago: 1921
“Don’t forget the date April 19th,” says John Childs, who is in charge of the American Legion minstrel show. “It is going to be a whirlwind, and the parade at noon will be another big feature.”
50 Years Ago: 1971
The banquet sponsored by the Central Maine General Hospital Nurses Alumni Association will feature a talk by Lew Colby, a Channel Six weatherman and public relations representative. Honored guests will be members of the 1971 graduating class. A social hour at 6 p.m. at Steckino’s Restaurant will open the evening’s events. Mrs. David Ehrenfried is hospitality chairman and she, Mrs. Elsie Lauten and Mrs. Dorothy Richardson are in charge of all reservations. Guests may be invited to the Apr. 16 event.