What will school look like next year?
In-person students will still be expected to social distance when possible. Elementary students will stay 3 feet apart while older students will distance by 3 feet or 6 feet, when possible, depending on community transmission.
The plan means masks will not be required for students and staff when physical distancing is feasible. Pre-K and kindergarten students who repeatedly play with, suck on or chew on masks will not be required to wear them.
Students will no longer have to pass daily temperature checks but families should keep sick kids home. The school district will continue to work with the Knox County Health Department to identify people who are exposed to a known case of COVID-19.
Knox County school board members are asking Superintendent Bob Thomas to provide details about what data the district will use to decide when students will no longer be required to wear masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Board policy requires students and staff to wear a mask in most settings, with some exemptions for activities like eating or drinking during lunch time. The policy is in effect until board members amend it or vote to end it.
Board members are considering establishing a sunset clause for Aug. 1, meaning the policy would automatically end on that date. The suggested revision to the policy would also mean the board could renew the policy on a month-to-month basis if circumstances change. The board will vote on the policy revision next Wednesday.