A couple years ago, Forbes Library received a $10,000 donation from a donor who wanted to remain anonymous but also wanted the money used for a very specific purpose: to broaden the Northampton library’s permanent art collection.More specifically,.
Noted Grateful Dead concert restaged to aid town hallEASTHAMPTON On Aug. 27, 1972, some 20,000 fans shouldered into the small town of Veneta, Oregon to hear the Grateful Dead put on what many consider one of its best live performances.Fifty years.
Musical explores grief, love, and other family dynamicsEASTHAMPTON Viewpoint Theatre, a new company in the Valley, will present the musical “Blood & Water” at CitySpace’s Blue Room in Old Town Hall this Friday through Sunday, June 17-19, with.
Northampton Public Arts Festival features outdoor paintingNORTHAMPTON The fourth annual Northampton Public Arts Festival takes places May 6-8 with three invited artists painting downtown locations and offering a workshop that includes community.
During the later years of World War II, Greta Kessler studied at the Rhode Island School of Design though when the war ended and U.S. servicemen returned from duty, her son Alex Kessler recalls, she was told she’d have to leave to “make room for the.