FLOOD WOES. A flooded street in Dumaguete City. The Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pushing for a drainage/flood control master plan to address the perennial flooding problem in the capital, its president Edward Du said Tuesday (Aug. 23, 2022). (PNA file photo by Judy Flores Partlow) DUMAGUETE CITY - The Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NOCCI) is pushing for a long-term drainage and flood control master plan for this provincial capital as a congressman has pledged PHP100 million for its initial planning. "We are looking forward to this plan coming to fruition by next year, considering that the recent flooding that inundated the city has become a cause for concern not only for the business sector but for everyone else," NOCCI president Edward Du said in an interview on Tuesday. Du said during a recent NOCCI-initiated event to discuss the water and electricity woes of the city with the concerned utility firms, the flooding problems in the ci