This winter the Belfast Garden Club Evening Lecture Series, co-sponsored by the Belfast Free Library, will focus on new approaches to garden design for resiliency and conservation. On Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 6:30 p.m., Irene Barber, Adult Education and.
This winter the Belfast Garden Club Evening Lecture Series, co-sponsored by the Belfast Free Library, will focus on new approaches to garden design for resiliency and conservation. The first program, Tuesday, January 23, at 6:30 p.m., wildlife.
‘Gardens for All’ Irene Barber, Adult Education & Horticultural Therapy Program Manager of the (beautiful!) Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens will discuss how professionals worldwide are expanding opportunities for people of all economic and physical abilities to engage in gardening. link to register: Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Gardens for All. After registering, […]