Watch the Top 10 Foreign Horror Movies About Haunted Houses
Need something to watch? Here s our list of top 10 foreign horror movies about haunted houses. By Marcos Codas
Well, of the past two decades, anyway. We’ll make more lists like this citing classics, but we’re going contemporary this time around. That’s because this month, we’re celebrating the release of
La Casa, a Spanish-speaking film about a haunted house. Great little film if we do say so ourselves: a one-shot wonder (not unlike 2019’s
1917) based on a true story. To mark the ocassion, we thought we’d share our top 10 foreign horror movies about haunted houses. However, because a dwelling can be more than a house, we’re throwing you some curve balls along the way. Strap in, and get ready. It´ll be a rough housewarming party!