for a short walk home and run right into john the contractor. oh, what s up, guys? how are you? you are the one that plays soccer, right? yeah. reporter: and their parents are on pins and needles as john reels them in. hey, can one of you jump in there to help me put this in? reporter: the boys step closer. their parents hope they remember the rules and call them first before ever getting in. then surij, the family rule breaker, does something terrifying. wow. reporter: but his old brother, the responsible one, holds back, keeping one foot on the sidewalk. so ude is not feeling so good about this. reporter: their parents are relieved when surij hops out of the truck. they want their boys to walk away. so just hop in here, shut the door, i m going to go right there. repter: but instead, their parents watch in horror ashe truck pulls away.