this is incentive game. bill: i know what it is, hoover. i m not sure that s going to do it though. you know what i mean? oh, yes it is. oh, yes it is. bill: not giving the little kid a sticker and wii and he is not going to say anything bad let me put out a hypothetical. so you have got 15, 16-year-old kid and he mouths off to his parents or his teacher f you. what do you do? you punish the kid. bill: how? you take away privileges. and that is the only way you can do it is by teaching them they don t get to do fun things. bill: how drastic? how specific. not like in your day with catholic nuns hitting with you the ruler. bill: corporal punishment i have never used it if my kid says f you to me. that s a month they are going to get a hard time. a month. it s an age appropriate. here is the age appropriate. 2 to 18.
people. and it seems like they don t even care enough to say okay, let s hear what the people have to say. bill: should have heard you and your group. there is no execute for that let me play devil s advocate here. ms. love green lofgren said the reason we brought him was to have people lock in on the issue and hopefully get a resolution to it. is that valid? i don t think so. because for one you need to show both sides. for two, you are not bringing issue to the fact that there are farm workers wanted for murder. bill: all right. they didn t address the issue that was most important to you. the violence that some illegal aliens are perpetrating. the second thing is i don t think colbert knew when he did this that it would offend you and other americans who have lost loved ones in this kind of a situation. i don t think he went in there anying about that. would you agree? well, he should. is he an intelligent man, i m sure. he should realize that if he is paying attention, il
probably good kids who did an immensely stupid thing. bill: i don t believe that carlson. their lives are ruined too. bill: i don t believe that i don t think you can be a good kid and plan that stuff out in the cruel nature that they did that. i disagree with you 100%. i think they are bad kids. die, too. speaks to why there needs to be more sensitivity. bill: sensitivity my butt. they are bad kids and should have been raised better. now we have a study and i will let you define. this research, more offensive words are used by young kids on this theme now than they were in the 1980s when people were cursing up a storm. why is this going on, carlson? well, actually, the study doesn t say that kids are cursing more. they are saying things that aren t so nice like i m going to kill you, stuff like that. this is emblematic to me of society right now. i mean, come on, in the last 30 years things are more acceptable in society and that includes bad words. so it doesn t surpris
that is not what i m doing. bill: no, you are mocking people who actually have sincere beliefs and follow people like jesus who did very good things. right. bill: you mock them. you denigrate them you make them or try to make them look stupid. right. bill: that s not noble, bill, it s not noble. there is a great quote from thomas jefferson about how ridicule is the only appropriate way to handle such fantasy. bill: always lively with you, maher. i will send it to you. bill: and we wish you well as always. thanks for coming on. okay. thanks, bill. bill: the bible passage maher referred to is from exodus not deuteronomy. and it reads, quote: whosoever does any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death unquote. however, here is the context. there is no mention of neighbors. the passage was on moses reporting to the jews that god would handle the sabbath
people. and it seems like they don t even care enough to say okay, let s hear what the people have to say. bill: should have heard you and your group. there is no execute for that let me play devil s advocate here. ms. love green lofgren said the reason we brought him was to have people lock in on the issue and hopefully get a resolution to it. is that valid? i don t think so. because for one you need to show both sides. for two, you are not bringing issue to the fact that there are farm workers wanted for murder. bill: all right. they didn t address the issue that was most important to you. the violence that some illegal aliens are perpetrating. the second thing is i don t think colbert knew when he did this that it would offend you and other americans who have lost loved ones in this kind of a situation. i don t think he went in there anying about that. would you agree? well, he should. is he an intelligent man, i m sure. he should realize that if he is paying attention, il