we will ask the foreign former minister of poland and the rest of the panel about that. also, brexit when we come back. it s the phillips lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria.
what you hear, horrible brexit, how could it have happened? the reason is to ask how it would happen not simply blame people for it or say they were lied to. donald trump came to poland, radek, and gave a speech seen, by some people back home, as forming a steve bannon ethno-nationalism. he talked about poland but not as the country of democracy and liberty but a kind of ethno-nationalist poland. he praised us for the warsaw uprising, biggest disaster in poland s history. yes, the nationalist right felt empowered in that bannon-ite ideology, thanks to the president s speech, yes. is trump feeding this ethno-nationalism? i didn t like the speech as much as you, radek. i thought there was a wild and sometimes unreasonable attempt to misconstrue it as a white supremacist speech, you know.