Porsche With ClearMotion: ClearMotion CEO Zack Anderson declined to say which Porsche models the company s technology could be used for, but told Reuters it could be used in any electric or combustion-engine model without any need to redesign those vehicles.
The ceremonies see brotherhoods of “nazarenos,” or penitents, with tall conical hats, monkish robes and hoods carrying or escorting the magnificent carriages through ancient streets of cities and towns nationwide.
strategic advantage and still, russia is determined to keep throwing as many lines as it needs to to take bakhmut but again, austin saying this wouldn t be a victory. listen to what he had to say here. i would not view that as an operational orche strategic set back. i think it s more of a symbolic value than strategic and operational value. what i do see on a daily basis is the russians continuing to pour in a lot of ill trained and ill equipped troops and those troops are very quickly meeting their demise. it is worth pointing out if the city itself doesn t have strategic value, it is an important decision where you decide, where ukraine that is decides to fight russian forces. right now ukraine is making that decision to fight in the city of bakhmut and that is an important strategic decision. ukraine realizing if they don t fight them in the line of bakhmut and decide to withdraw and move back towards the west,