The unpleasant reality of perpetrators who looked the other way was revealed. Ryu Sung Hoon also faced the consequences of his planned revenge in "Blind" episode 16.
#Blind #BlindEpisode16 #HaSeokJin #OkTaecyeon #2PMTaecyeon #Taecyeon
In “Blind” episode 12, the identity of Jung Yoon Jae, the 13th member of the Hope Welfare Center, who is also the real culprit of the Joker murder case has finally been revealed.
#Blind #BlindEpisode12 #ParkJiBin
As he discovers that Ha Seok Jin was adopted from the Hope Welfare Center, Ok Taecyeon gets more suspicious of his brother. Tension arises between the two in "Blind" episode 11.
#Blind #BlindEpisode11 #OkTaecyeon #HaSeokJin
Ryu Sung Hoon (Ha Seok Jin) was implied to be related to five boys of Hope Welfare Center. Speculation is pouring out, saying he has something to do with the Joker Murder Case. Here's what happened in “Blind” Episode 9!
#Blind #BlindEpisode9 #HaSeokJin