welcome. thank you very much. shepard: one of the interesting things from last note s debate was a question that was posed mitt romney, about illegal aliens, what do you do about illegal aliens. listen. well, the answer is, self deport station which is people decide they can do better going home because they cannot find work here because they do not have legal documentation to allow it. we will not round people up. shepard: they wait for it to get bad enough? or to make it such that they make it difficult for people to work? what was the take of the room? guest: you know, it is hard to find a job in america and they will go home to their home country and find a job there? the concept was sort of an interesting that he is going to have to explain again in the press file where i was, people thought, what is he talking about? but we heard after that, rick santorum backed him up and said
guest: there is a fair question about what is a fair share? and i think warren buffett has said it doesn t seem fair to him that he has a lower tax rate than his secretary. so, i think, the president will lay out the details about the buffett rule that he has talked about this summer and we will hear some discussion on that, but we are focused on the policies that will continue the momentum that we are seeing in this economy. where you pointed out, wherefore the first time in a decade, we have in americans fighting in iraq. we are moving forward with creating new jobs in manufacturing. and, last 22 months we have created three million jobs. that is what this president is focused on. shepard: does this president believe that 13.9 percent is too little to pay on taxes? guest: as i said, you had lunch with the president and i am sure you had a question to ask. shepard: it was off the record, so i can t talk. guest: i see, i see.
romney s tax rate. we are focused on building an economy that is durable and going to last and that means we are focused on american manufacturing and energy and working on skills of american people. neil: with great respect and admiration, the world today is talking about mitt romney s taxes. our weird little tv world. so could you talk about that for a minute he paid less than 15 percent. i mean . does anyone have a problem with that low a tax rate at the white house in we would like to fix it so that situation doesn t happen again? guest: tonight the president will lay out his vision of, really, the kind of america that we want to build. and it involves that basic american promise if you play by the rules and you pay your fair share you have a stake in the future of this country and the ability . shepard: you not saying he did not pay his fair share?
rate and everyone is hoping it will get better you and me included. but the trend seems to be up. now, if i m a casual political observer and i m the incumbent and things are on the upswing i m probably happier about that than the people who are trying to get into power is that fair? guest: well, maybe at a numbers level but the reality is when you are going out to where i m in in wisconsin and out there in the rest of the country, people are hurting and not making the machine money they should make and they are not employed. they are not part of the group looking for work. they are not making as much or working as much. and the debt and deficit are out-of-control. and people are worried about spending. there are so many things to measure the economy and we are on a pathway to the most predictable economic disaster facing america and this president hasn t done anything about it. it has gotten worse. shepard: great to see you,
it is happening now. it is happening now? to what degree or what percentage of illegal immigrants are deporting themselves home? i am not sure we know that. but it seems like a strange concept that he will have to explain. shepard: and it was suggested this could be a closing of the book on the tax matter for mitt romney, and as a journalist what sort of questions might you have along those lines or are you finished with that? guest: you know, when we had this big conference call with the campaign this morning, the trustee, the john general counsel, and a former i.r.s. commissioner saying he paid in full and he paid a lot in taxes, he paid $3 million in taxes in defend 20. that is more than the vast majority of us make in a year, and the bottom line is, he followed the letter of the law so in my mind it might be over, but who knows? maybe in 2001 there was