i also felt that the experience of my contractor was a real failure of regulation, because it s clear that someone at bank of america was actually in collusion with this lawyer, and in steering him on. that seems to me to be really corrupt. unfortunately, again, we don t have a housing policy. and not making excuses for one or the other. i don t know the basis and the background on your equity in your home, but the other side is, is freddie mac subsidizing not necessarily in your case, some borrowers who will not ultimately be able to stay in the home, get him to pay cash into a house where they haven t done the appraisal as you said, they haven t been any verification. that gets back to the other practices. there s a big difference on top of that between the two, comparing apples and oranges. fannie and freddie arctic government guarantee. they owned the credit risk already. bank of america, the likelihood is him your contractors mortgage is not held by bank of america.