straight face. what s going on with the debt? it s driven by medicare, social security and medicaid. there s a lot there to unpack. but to be clear that s the leader of the republicans in the senate promising to come he added the deficit and debt are disappointing but it s not a republican problem, which is an impressive dislay of hoots pa since we just learned the deficit has swelled to the largest in six years, that s due largely, if not almost entirely, to the tax cuts primarily for corporations and the rich that republicans pushed through while insisting time and time again and despite all evidence to the contrary the bill would actually reduce the deficit. as for the midterms, democrats have reason for optimism, particularly in the house, an 11-point lead in the generic congressional ballot and a massive, really remarkable fund raising advantage with 90% of democrats in top races outraising their republican
would take place internally in 60 minutes as the correspondents tried to one up each other trying to get the best interviews. mike was always famed the winner. he was very shrewd, very smart, but he was driven and focused. what he did in an interview everybody stood still and quietly watched. he could get to the truth because he could formulate questions. he got to the heart of the question. whatever it was he was not fearful at all. you played the interview with khomeini if you can image being in iran and that takes some hoots paw and he had hootspa. it is interesting to get a peak behind the curtain as you get a rapport with the other correspondents. was he as tough in person as he was in the other interviews? he could be.
we can cut in a way that does not undermine our values. it s not about, again, about money, it s about the morality of what we are doing. steve: michelle? talk to the hand, nancy. she had her time. didn t she? this is a woman whose speakership gave us the band-aid congress, a lack of budget resolution that hasn t happened since the last speaker presided over the watergate era. and somebody who has plunged us into even deeper debt and then used human shields to justify her lack of responsibility. that s hootspa. steve: we thank you for joining us this week because we know personally it s been a very hard week for you and your family. your cousin is missing. what can you tell us about her? yes. she is 18 years old. she s a university of washington