Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy today wished Prime Minister Narendra Modi on turning a year older. "My greetings and wishes to Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi garu on his 73rd birthday," the YSRCP supremo wrote on Twitter. Born on this day in 1950, Modi became India's 14th PM in 2014. The AP CM, in the meanwhile, has been busy with various meetings
JIJNASA- Sanatana Chintan Ganga- A Series of Lectures on Indic Renaissance Commence at Ramakrishna Math, Mangaluru on Sunday, 3 September 2023. Mangaluru:
Keeping up with its objective to promote a healthy lifestyle, Fit India Mission in association with the Ministry of Law and Justice organised the second edition of the Inter-Ministry Bar & Bench Badminton Championship at the Thyagaraj Sports Comp
The Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given more emphasis to the progress and development of the North-Eastern region from the very first day of his office