Retired Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta Justice Adèle Kent will investigate a phone call from Justice Minister Kaycee Madu to the chief of the Edmonton Police Service.
Lethbridge police submit action plan
City of Lethbridge news release:
As requested by the Honourable Kaycee Madu, M.L.A., Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, the Lethbridge Police Service (LPS) has submitted an Action Plan detailing changes that will be made to address incidents that have occurred within the organization. In addition, Chief Mehdizadeh has published a letter to the community addressing this next step and his commitment to the community.
Statement for Mayor Spearman Thank you Chief Mehdizadeh for the honesty and forthrightness revealed in your open letter to residents and for your commitment to the completion of an action plan in a timely manner. Your willingness to tackle issues that have precluded your time as Chief, as well as the integrity you bring to work each and every day has positioned the police force well for future success.