[Editor’s Note: This article was published online on March 31, 2010; and The Final Call will continue to publish articles written by our dear and late Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.]
“O people, keep your duty to your Lord; surely the shock of the Hour is a grievous thing. The day you see it, every woman giving suck will forget her suckling and every pregnant one will lay down her burden, and thou wilt see men as drunken, yet they will not be drunken, but the chastisement of Allah will be severe. And among men is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge, and follows every rebellious devil–For him it is written that whoever takes him for a friend, he will lead him astray and conduct him to the chastisement of the burning Fire.”
Final Call News
The purpose of the Disaster Preparedness Workshop during Saviours’ Day 2021 was demonstrated in a short video just before the workshop began.
“There is no place on this earth that has received as much calamity from weather as much as the United States of America,” the Honorable Minister Farrakhan declared in the video, as images of floods, snow, fires and scenes of natural disasters flashed across the screen. His (God’s) intention is the total destruction of America, the Minister warned.
The question is, are you prepared?
To that end, morning and afternoon virtual workshops on the topic Feb. 26 were held to inform and instruct attendees. Workshop coordinator A’ishah Muhammad announced areas to be discussed in the morning session including Situational Awareness; Cyber Security; How to respond in a Medical Emergency; Securing the home; among other areas.
Final Call News
Mother Tynnetta Muhammad
“And We indeed gave Moses the Book–so doubt not the meeting with Him–and We made it a guide for the Children of Israel. And We made from among them leaders to guide by Our command when they were patient. And they were certain of Our messages. Surely thy Lord will judge between them on the day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.” Holy Qur’an, Surah 32, verses 23-25
We cannot have a new beginning without returning to the root of civilization and our origins as a nation and a people upon the coming of the Great Mahdi, Master W. F. Muhammad. There I found myself seated in a most crucial meeting in Detroit, Michigan, on a cold, rainy, snowy afternoon in the company of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his small delegation of travelers from Chicago, Illinois. Present with us were two attorneys who were the first to have received notice about the documents found in a box that was reported in the news in the
[Editor’s Note: This article is reprinted from Volume 30, No. 12; and The Final Call will continue to reprint articles written by our late and dear Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.]
“Say: Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you He knows what is in the heavens and the earth. And those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in Allah, these it is that are the losers. And they ask thee to hasten on the chastisement. And had not a term been appointed, the chastisement would certainly have come to them. And certainly it will come to them all of a sudden, while they perceive not.” –