to support a deal congressman? if they can t even agree there s a deadline and if the united states looks at thursday as just a suggestion then there really isn t a deadline. i would want it to be crystal clear. the iran should not get a nuclear capability. if they want to come into the real world, to the developed world, they cannot develop a nuclear capability. iran with a nuclear bomb is one of the biggest threats to the history of this planet and we can t let it happen. there are a series of other things and points that i think the president should insist upon. i ve got to tell you, these concessions that i hear that the president is considering is just not going to fly. it s a nonstarter at least for this representative and the vote i get. congressman chaffetz i have a lot more to asking, particular particularly about the secret service. stay with us. we ll be right back with more of our enter view.
contacting their legislators, the governor should be able to receive a bill by thursday or friday this week and the flag should come down in front of the statehouse. but we must remain vigilant and focussed. that flag over your shoulder we should know. and i don t know if those are protesters against taking the flag down or not, but i do know they have been out there, and some have said this flag represents history and heritage. they do not want it to be taken down. what would you say to the protesters? well first of all, the flag is history, but it s a history that we are not so proud of. because of the the cause of the confederacy is well documented. there are museums that honor history, and that s the appropriate place. let me also say that they have a right people have a right to