The brand new period drama “Hong Rang” confirmed its final cast lineup including Lee Jae Wook, Jo Bo Ah, Kim Jae Wook and more.
#HongRang #LeeJaeWook #JoBoAh #KimJaeWook #JungGaRam #ParkByungEun #UhmJiWon
Lee Jae Wook, Jo Bo Ah, Kim Jae Wook, Jung Ga Ram, and more will be starring in the upcoming historical romance drama “Hong Rang” (working title)! Based on a novel, “Hong Rang” is a mystery romance drama about Jae Yi, the daughter born between danju (the owner of a merchants guild in the Joseon
The historical drama “Tangeum” starring Lee Jae Wook and Jo Bo Ah finally begins its production. Here’s what we know so far.
#Tangeum #LeeJaeWook #JoBoAh