The Drinks Business
14 December 2020 By Arabella Mileham
Fine wine merchant Berry Bros & Rudd has toasted its best year in a decade, with group sales and operating profits hitting its highest point since 2010, according to accounts filed at Companies House, following a restructuring of the core business under its then executive chairman Lizzy Rudd.
In the year to 31 March 2020, underlying group sales rose £220.45m (before the accounting adjustment for en primeur sales), compared to £219m in 2019, while underlying group operating profit (excluding en primeur adjustment) grew a whopping 214% to £5.238m, up from £1.667m the previous year.
“However, with a revaluation loss of £3.3m on BBR’s UK property portfolio primarily due to the impact of covid-19 on year end valuations, the company recorded an overall loss for the financial year of £593,000, ”