Gain in both directions, the market clearly banking on a trade deal. Whether stocks go up or down will depend on the details. Keep an eye on the dollar. The direction will be dictated on whether this is a shortterm deal or whether this is a more broadbased deal that resolves lingering trade issues. Crude oil, demand, supply issues. More information on the supply side out of opec, demand still a concern, 1. 43 . Up for a second day. Optionere is a third which is no deal, which would imply sanctions going up on the 15th and more on the 15th of december. The market risk on assets liking the idea that liu he will meet the president. The euro has been gaining ground despite disappointing data. The dollar is down. I want to mention what is happening with turkish assets, stock market trading down by 2 . Bond market, the yields moving aggressively, and the lira is under pressure. Turkey puts more troops into syria, a tense situation emerging as president erdogan says if europe says it is an in