The ruling confirms that courts will consider substance over form when assessing collective investment scheme arrangements and exemptions under securities law. On 2.
In the continuing “mainstreaming” of the importance of corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, let us focus on “G” as we start the new year. Hong Kong is one.
The Companies (Amendment) Act 2021 of the Cayman Islands, which abolishes the 'headcount test' for members' scheme of arrangement, will come into force on 31 August 2022.
RESUMPTION OF TRADING 2020 ANNUAL RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS Achieved contracted sales for the year ended December 31, 2020 (the Reporting Period ) of RMB18,532.2 million with corresponding gross floor area ( GFA ) of approximately 1,014,003 sq.m.; Revenue for the Reporting Period was RMB5,768.9 million, of which the revenue from property development was RMB5,016.8 million; Gross profit for the Reporting Period was RMB1,045.5 million; Profit for the year, excluding the one-off loss on disposal of the eight real estate project companies, was approximately RMB255.7 million; Land reserves reached a total GFA of 9,598,769 sq.m. and the average cost of land reserves was RMB3,831.5 per sq.m. for the Reporting Period;