"In towns across the nation, there is that person – the kid who made it big, starred in some movies, became an action hero, maybe even won some awards," The Messenger reports."What if that person told you about an upcoming local election? Or a candidate who you should consider supporting? They
FRESNO, Calif. (KMJ/KFSN) Thieves targeted a Boys and Girls Club in Fresno for two nights this week, destroying parts of a newly laid lawn.
All torn up. That is how staff found the club's lawn in West Fresno for the first time on Wednesday.
"People hopped the fence we have here and were lit
FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – New grass and mulch had been stolen two nights in a row, on Wednesday and Thursday, from the West Fresno Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club had the grass donated by the Lowe’s Hometown Project, a five-year project with a $100 million commitment to rebuild and revitalize community […]