So suddenly we leave the summer trappings of picnics, water-related fun and local fairs and dive headfirst into the harvest, fall colors and hunting seasons. This dramatic change is one of the things I love about the Northland because weeks of sunny days in the eighties is nice and I enjoy it very much,
SERVICES WANTED Volunteers wanted! “Volunteers in Education” (VinE) provides (free) tutoring services to kids mostly in k-6th grade - and mostly in reading or math. We are established in many Iron Range Schools. Volunteer to tutor a child during your hours, your schedule, your choice. Background check required. For more information, call Anne Varda 218-969-9170.
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 855 CITY OF BIWABIK AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SHORT TERM RENTALS WITHIN THE CITY OF BIWABIK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBIWABIK DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Purpose.The purpose of this ordinance is tocreate a framework within whichShort-Term Rentals in the R-1 andR-2 Districts may be permitted insuch a way as to
SERVICES WANTED Volunteers wanted! “Volunteers in Education” (VinE) provides (free) tutoring services to kids mostly in k-6th grade - and mostly in reading or math. We are established in many Iron Range Schools. Volunteer to tutor a child during your hours, your schedule, your choice. Background check required. For more information, call Anne Varda 218-969-9170.
French philosopher, Descartes, once said, “I think, therefore I am.” Lending from his thought, I will declare, “I think about fishing; therefore I am a fisherman.” I never thought deeply about fishing before, but one day midsummer, I had plenty of time to think about it and you know what I came up with?