that he wasn t in virginia. one of those being at his lawyer s office. and he said, well can you lower verify, no mueller wasn t there, it was just to secretaries. detectives got asked them to run his story, and infect. up to women on the lawyers stuff confirmed. they said they saw him come in that day. a bit shocking when they said, well we checked it out and he is an alibi. so over the investigators to do? the parents were adamant in their believe that doug had come and snatched venus away. to cooperate their theory, they described to investigators this fight to plenty the daughter and had with their. husband but eyewitnesses were putting in in new sports news virginia. more than 700 miles away. and there was surveillance camera video in his apartment billion, in his car to backup this. how good dug the into places at once? that was impossible wasn t it? coming up, a mysterious man
he was in virginia, and he remain. there he gave a reporter from would tv a telephone interview. now that the timeline has gone so far, i m getting very word and very concerning. despite their ceaseless marital battles. doug insisted he still cared about her. i don t know what is next, to be honest with. you i ll just keep watching the news and pray and hope for the. best but it was also still bitter about losing his kids, in that custody showdown just two weeks before. so his take on her disappearance was a unique. one it wasn t upset he said because he believed venus was a runaway. mom my theory my wife pulled another fossil, and runoff, couldn t handle the commitment of the situation she was in, for the children, by herself. the way doug saw, this was no different from that time two months earlier. when venus had suddenly and surprisingly bolted with the kids. came home, she wasn t there.
the move from mexican to virginia was. working do you like bush gardens? best place on earth. doug had found a job as a truck driver. and homes wasn t apartment on a knife of this. building she wanted to live in a skyscraper, it s always been a dream of. first so things were okay if you look back at? that things were better than okay it was the best years of our marriage. the best years of our life. but doug and businesses problems around deeper than anything an amusement park ride could paper over. i m before long there were screaming arguments again. and a year after making the move, venus had had enough. and suddenly bolted with the kids to her parents place in coal income chip michigan. doug was left alone in virginia, more than 700 miles away. big surprise to you? very big surprise. 2010, a chilly monday morning started like any day of venus s parents house. her mom went off to work.
wasn t. the so the women describe the man that they have see that they, but december greater detail. the individuals wearing a baseball cap, a hoodie with the hood hold of, and large merit aviator type sunglasses. generally speaking people to come in with hoods up and large glasses disguising their appearance, unless they re up to something of questionable activity. so detective eller asked them if they were positive that it was doug stewart and he got an important admission. neither one of them said that they were 100% sure was. that as they never called it even though the man in the porta-potty and dark glasses made a payment as doug, he never let them in the high, and there was no small talk. then he rushed off, instead of waiting for his receipt. father called be detectives got in michigan with his take, i don t think a ton of the lawyer s office, he said that s great, now that work one step closer. we have to solve the.