Terminator 2s. Then again, the enigmatic bow-out was in-keeping with their
raison d’etre, as in-character as Rita Ora hosting a massive party to celebrate getting a vaccine appointment.
As the internet swam with tributes to their electro-pop innovations on ‘Homework’ and ‘Discovery’, their revolutionising of the dance live spectacle with their Alive 2006/2007 tour and their standing as the runaway dads of EDM, I was mourning the loss of a little more mystery in my life. They were the eternal Glasto ‘secret set’ rumour, and never again will I cram into the back of E-Coli Eddie’s Falafel Emporium on Worthy Farm at 3AM and spend an hour wondering if Daft Punk would actually be able to DJ on that decorator’s boombox from 1984.