Metro Silver Line Extension Is One Year Old “One year ago, we opened phase two of the Silver Line Extension! [On Nov. 15], we’re celebrating 3.5 MILLION trips at the 6 new stations. Take a look back at the big day that started it all and see all the excitement!” [WMATA/Twitter] Virginia Representatives Continue Call
One week removed from the November general election, Highland County commissioners Terry Britton, David Daniels and Brad Roades met with Highland County Job & Family Services Director Jeremy Ratcliff to discuss next steps for Children Services after their proposed levy failed.
Highland County commissioners Terry Britton, David Daniels and Brad Roades proclaimed the week of Nov. 11-18 as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week in Highland County during their Wednesday, Nov. 15 meeting.
At their Nov. 8 meeting the Associated Students of the University of Arizona discussed a new process for funding campus initiatives and planned different volunteering opportunities and fundraisers for Hunger & Homelessness Awareness week.