the department and cooperated with any investigation the department had in connection with that antitrust car tell. the antitrust division considers this tool, quote, its most important investigative tool for detecting cartel activity, close quote. it creates an incentive for cartel members to self report, to come forward and identify things that the antitrust division needs to be aware of. so, i applaud your leadership in this area, it s been very helpful to the enforcement of the antitrust laws. i have two questions. given its importance do you think the program should be made permanent? and second, are you open to any other ideas that might strengthen the program? senator lee, i would not commit to use it.
authorities? i really wouldn t attempt to comment today on that. i would be glad to hear your thoughts on it. i think it request be problematic if the u.s. officials encourage foreign officials to join with them, against an action of a private company. they could put so much excessive pressure on them that they re not able to resist. when they may have a lawful basis to resist. but these are big issues. you have to be sensitive to the power that the department of justice has, antitrust division has, and make sure there is a principled policy and lawful basis for what is done. thank you senator sessions. i see your chairman is back. he s not back? senator feinstein. it s my understanding that senator durbin has not had his
secretary gates began his career as officer in the united states air force, and joined the central intelligence agency in 1966. he served 26 years of the cia and only career kachlt ia officer to rise from the entry level employee to director, a position he held from 1991 to 1993. secretary gates has earned numerous honors and distinctions during his career, national security medal, presidential stenls medal, national intelligence distinguished service medal twice and distinguished intelligence medal which is a cia highest award three times. welcome, secretary gates, it is an honor to have you here to introduce general kelly. secretary gates. thank you chairman johnson, ranking member miskas kill, distinguished members of the committee. it gives me great pleasure to introduce my friend and former colleague, john f. kelly as the nominee to be the next secretary of homeland security n today s world the department of homeland
now, you were asked earlier about having call the naacp and aclu unamerican. you said that was before you were a senator. as a senator you have continued to be hostile to them, you criticized nominees for having what you called aclu dna. now, i remember when republicans of the justice department, inspector general found the bush administration engaged in unlawful politicized hiring practices. that s the republican administration inspector general. they said ashcroft justice department used litmus tests whether applicants would be sufficient and conservative, if they were ever in the aclu they couldn t have a job. i said in a radio interview,
i have formed than i haven t formed an opinion on that. these are complex areas of the law. i m not a member of the antitrust subcommittee as a member of members of our committee are. and have achieved levels of expertise. i would just have to commit to you, that i m open to hearing the views of this congress and that subcommittee, and would try to work with you. but i do understand that antitrust policy is an important issue for america. and we need to get it right. and that would be my goal. thank you. one important question, sometimes arises in the antitrust context. relates to what the department of justice what role they should play in communicating with foreign authorities.